Tom Goldstein on the Development and Choices Behind SCOTUSblog

A very interesting interview, at least for those of interested in blawgology:

An excerpt from the transcript:

[B]ecause other people realize, or at least perceive, that the blog has an audience inside the building, people will try and use the blog to affect the Justices. So, constantly, we’re getting approached by people asking us to write about their cases, highlight their cases, cover cases in a particular way, as part of their agenda for influencing the Justices. And so, we’re incredibly resistant to that both because we think it’s improper and because we are just…we don’t want the Court to look at us in that way.

A kind of prototypical illustration is, there was a case last Term on the merits a the Court, where there parties were trying to get…one of the parties was trying to get a set of documents in front of the Court and was trying to lodge the documents in the Court but was unsuccessful in doing that. And so they couldn’t get them in front of the Justices and their law clerks in the ordinary process. And we got heavily lobbied to publish a story about the documents. And, they were very interesting. And so it presented a really genuine journalistic dilemma about what to do because it was apparent to me that a real part of their agenda was not because they wanted the documents published for the sake of publishing them and their interest [but] because they wanted a back door into the Court. And resolved that by not publishing them. But, it was a puzzle to work through.

Thanks to How Appealing for the link.

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