Protecting Your Privacy in the Age of Google

Many wonder how much privacy you can have when a simple Google query reveals so many details of your life. I think there’s an easy answer to this problem. Just change your name to something that already pulls up a lot of Google hits.

If your name is Jernicky Washington, for example, just change your first name to “George.” Is your name Sallisan Poppins? Change your first name to “Mary.” Maybe you’ve had the misfortune of being Yasmarine Table? Change your first name to “Oak.” With a name like George Washington, Mary Poppins, or Oak Table, it will be really hard for people to find out much information about you.

I realize there’s a downside. Every time you meet someone new, they’ll ask, “Wait, is your name really ____?” Plus, everyone will assume your parents had a terrible sense of humor. That’s unfortunate. But hey, just let them try to Google you.

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